In the Charles M. Hewitt Master Teacher Competition, the ALSB highlights the best classroom teaching, particularly the incorporation of new or evolving course subject matter, cultural contexts, pedagogy, and technology. The goal is deeper engagement: of students in the learning process and of faculty in their guild.
Support the Academy
Universities and faculty groups, including ALSB, are good at recognizing research, but teaching excellence is rarely highlighted on a national stage.
Distinctive Recognition
The Hewitt Competition elevates the best teaching happening in business law, so that our colleagues notice that they are among the best teaching happening in business education.
Expert Feedback & Dialogue
Finalists' presentations create opportunities for meaningful dialogue among conference attendees, including past winners and a range of great teachers and scholars. Presenters get feedback and everyone gets the chance to talk about how to create the best opportunities for innovative teaching.
Grounded in Practical Experience
Entries to the Hewitt Competition are intended to grow out of existing classroom techniques. Because the ideas start in the classroom, they readily translate back to the classroom when members return to their campuses after seeing the finalists' presentations.
Apple splash image used under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license from Flickr user eisbaerchen.
Weebly's 'vignette' filter applied [original image].
Weebly's 'vignette' filter applied [original image].